Friday, May 30, 2008

The Girls new bikes!!!

The girls got new bikes today, Carlee got a Bratz bike and Rylee's is a Disney Princess

Water Fun

Bo jumping over the octopus(still a kid at heart)

Josh jumping over the octopus

Rylee, Carlee, and Josh (the boy next door)

Friday, May 23, 2008


Okay so it's true!!! NKOTB are back together and are coming here in concert and I am going so if anyone of you (dont be shy you know you love them) want to go let me know and we can plan something,tickets go on in about 2 weeks so let me know soon. YYYEEESSS!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Host

This is another great book by Stephenie Meyer, this book is kinda hard to follow for the first few chapters but once you get going you can't stop reading it, I got this book for mother's day and finished it in about a week. So happy reading.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Rylee's Graduation from preschool

Rylee graduated from preschool May 15th, it was a sad day for me knowing that I have no other children that will be going to preschool and that my "baby" will be going into kindergarten, I'm not sure what was wrong with Rylee but she doesn't look to happy to be done with preschool : )

Twilight Movie Poster

This is the movie poster for Twilight, I can't wait to see it and to anyone that has not got a chance to read the book I really think you should go and buy the books and start reading.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Easter Day

hanging out by the fire pit
the girls love to pose!!!
Grandma and Papa Garner

Jazz game pics

This is Carlee's Elite dance class that performed at the Jazz game and Misc. pictures of the performace